E. A. Owen
I am the oldest of seven children, and I love a good scare. In fact, as early as age five I would tell scary stories to my little sisters, and loved to hide and jump out at them. Is it any wonder my favorite time of year is Halloween?
My debut suspense thriller, Tragic Mercy, tells the story of a family bound by endless tragedies. The characters are engaging and relatable; their lives tragically and dramatically entwined.
My second book, Suffocating Secrets, is the second book in the series: Tragic Mercy. It is the continuing tale of the family whose lives are now threatened by a serial killer.
My third book, A Splintered Mind, is the third and final book in the series. The story revolves around Angel’s life, and how life isn’t always what it seems.
The inspiration for my first novel was driven by the horrific adversity experienced by a close friend, to whom I dedicated my book. However, my second novel is a reflection of my personal fascination with unsolved mysteries and the way serial killer mind’s function. As a truly compassionate and caring person, it’s literally a perplexing puzzle how someone can turn into such a monster, and not only hurt but kill a person.
Overcoming life’s challenges and struggles has shaped my character. I was raised on the East Coast and have moved around the United States twenty-six times, finally settling in the place that stole my heart – the Midwest. I am raising my two beloved children in the small town of Astoria, South Dakota. In addition to writing, I am passionate about reading, cooking, and traveling.

Shortly after the release of A Splintered Mind, the third and final book in the Tragic Mercy Series, we got the wonderful news that I was pregnant again.
After many complications and specialist appointments, during my fourth pregnancy, I was rushed to Omaha, four hours from home, where our precious son, Gabriel was born six weeks premature, weighing 4lbs 8oz. He was given medicine to regulate his heart and was rushed by ambulance to Children’s Hospital for heart surgery.
Luckily, after performing an echocardiogram before surgery, the doctors realized he did not have coarctation of the aorta like they highly suspected during my pregnancy and heart surgery could wait.
Gabriel was diagnosed with Trisomy 21, congenital heart defects, pulmonary hypertension, and respiratory distress. We spent eight weeks in the NICU and he came home on oxygen for six months. Not only did he have many sleep studies, but he also had a blood clot in his liver and for twelve weeks we had to give him injections twice a day.
At eight months old, we got amazing news and devastating news, all on the same day. Gabriel no longer needed to be on oxygen, but he would need open heart surgery very soon.
His surgery was postponed for several weeks after we tested positive for Covid, which was super scary! We had been informed by his heart doctor, that if Gabriel got Covid, it could be fatal. Luckily his symptoms were mild and at 10 months old, Gabriel had heart surgery. Luckily, heart surgery went great and we are extremely grateful!

Gabriel is a blessing to our family!
To Our Son:
I know you won’t remember everything you’ve been through, but we always will. It makes every moment that much more precious and cherished. You came into our world and rocked it hard, but we’re forever grateful for you. We wouldn’t change you for anything. Thank you for teaching us lessons we never knew we needed. For giving us strength we didn’t know was within us. For teaching us patience and compassion. Most of all thank you for being you. We love you more than you’ll ever know.
Love, Mom & Dad